With over 3700 bays, finding parking will be a breeze at The Glen. There are 1000 open parking and 2700 undercover charged at hourly rates. Parking pay stations are located at all entrances and exits for your convenience. Disabled parking facilities are located at all entrances. Long-term tenant parking is available in the basement area. The Parking Office can be contacted on (011) 435 9252 and is located on the Basement Level.
Paying for your parking has never been easier because we understand your needs we have upgraded our parking stations to accept all major credit and cheque cards.
We are excited to introduce admyt, our new parking partner, a leading digital parking platform and app utilising license plate recognition (LPR) software and smartphone technology to provide you with a seamless, ticketless and cashless parking experience.
Once registered, you may simply drive up to the parking entrance or exit boom and the system and cameras will then automatically recognise your license plate, allowing the booms to open without the need for a parking ticket, access card or pay station visit.
Sign-up online or download the app (available on Android or Apple), parking fees are then charged directly and automatically to your registered bank card or Admyt wallet.
Check out the FAQs for more info.
When a parking ticket is lost, a replacement ticket will be provided at the Parking Office, in-line with the required lost ticket tariff of R35 and procedure on site.
The parking office can be found in the lower-level undercover parking area, just outside Entr 12 (Checkers Entrance). Take the lifts located at Entrance 9 (Info Desk) down to the Lower Level (L2), turn right upon exiting the lift, exit the entrance 12 near Checkers and once in the parking garage the parking office can be found on the right.