Create Your Own Home Gym With These Stores
Whether it’s a new goal or one that you have been at for a while, getting physically fit and adopting a gym lifestyle may take a bit of work. People often wonder whether they should join a gym or build one in their homes, and according to different lifestyles and living arrangements, each of these options may be beneficial or detrimental. In this article, we will take a look at how you can build your home gym if you do not have access to one nearby and give you a list of stores to visit to make your dream gym come true.
First, Decide On Your First Mission
Adopting a gym lifestyle does not have to mean you start with everything. There are way too many routines, sets, types of workouts, and benefits to choose from, so do not rush yourself into learning any and everything. If you want something with high intensity, consider cardio and HIIT workouts, and if you are looking for something a bit calm and slow, then yoga and pilates will be the range you play in. You should also consider using your external surroundings as your cardio and engage in a run before or after your workouts.
Find Your Space
Now that you have an idea of which workout plan you are going with, it is time to decide where it will happen. Ideally, you want to have a designated space for this, especially if you are planning on buying equipment. Thankfully with innovation and technological upgrades, workout machines are not all large and need ample space. You can easily get a foldable treadmill, steps you can easily store under your bed or above your closet, and even other training equipment like bikes and ab machines come in compact sizes that are easy to store. Visit The Glen Shopping Centre’s Game and Cash Crusaders to have a look at some equipment that won’t require you to change up your whole house or get a new space altogether.
Remember to test your space before committing to it. Check if you are able to jump, skip (if you are skipping), stretch, move your arms and legs freely, etc. It is important to have enough space so that you do not injure yourself while working out.
Choosing Your Equipment
Determining your gym equipment will be reliant on the type of workouts you want to do and the fitness goals you have set for yourself. Let's take a quick look at some of the popular starter workout routines and which equipment you will need for what.
With cardio, one may argue that a lot of people are aware that it is a beneficial aspect of keeping fit and working out. What most people do not know, though, is that besides it being a great form of exercise, cardio also helps with weight loss, improves cardiovascular health, mental health, strengthens your immune system, boosts your brainpower, and improves sleep. Some of the most popular cardio workouts are running, skipping, swimming, dancing, cycling, boxing, and jumping rope. The equipment you will need for most cardio workouts includes:
- Skipping rope
- Ankle weights
- Resistance bands
Whether you want to lose weight, build muscles, or burn calories, strength training is your answer. Strength training is a key component of overall health and fitness for everyone. With strength training, you will also develop strong bones, manage your weight, enhance your quality of life, manage chronic illnesses, and sharpen your mind. If you are looking for strength-building equipment, consider getting the following:
- Dumbbells and kettlebells
- Barbell and rack
- Fitball
- Bench
Recovering And Stretching
People of all ages can benefit from the physical and mental health advantages of yoga and stretching. Yoga may also be an important element of your therapy if you're recuperating from surgery, dealing with an illness, or have a chronic disease. This might potentially speed up your recovery. Other benefits include; strength, flexibility and balance improvements, back pain relief, easing arthritis, and giving you better sleep. Equipment to consider buying for yoga and/or stretching is:
- Yoga mat
- Foam roller
- Trigger point ball
Visit clothing stores in Johannesburg like The Glen Shopping Centre’s Mr Price Sport, Totalsports, and Sportsman Warehouse and shop the above-mentioned equipment, apparel, shoes, as well as other accessories that will make working on your physical self feel like a breeze. After all, healthy body, healthy mind.
Your Setup
In order to remain motivated and consistent in your mission to an active lifestyle, you need to ensure you create a space that will be encouraging to you. But, how do you start?
A full-length mirror: Consider putting a full-length mirror if you have the room. This might help you keep an eye on your form and make sure you're carrying out the exercises properly. A mirror will expand the sense of space in a small space by adding additional depth and light.
Keep your space organised: To ensure you have enough area to exercise, keep your space clear of clutter. You'll be more inclined to be inspired to practise if you're more at ease. This might entail remodelling an existing area or adding more storage for your workout equipment.
Store your equipment properly: If you’re only using small weights and a yoga mat, a storage cupboard can be a sufficient storage option. If you have larger items like a barbell and rack, you will need to find a permanent location for them in your home gym or find ways to hide them, as we mentioned earlier.
Final Words
Make a visit to The Glen Shopping Centre today to get your gym lifestyle started. We look forward to an active journey together.